Anime Campaign Wikia

Basic Summary

As the 8th and final episode of AC, Annihilate Adjustable Flaw saw our players face off against Naven. However, before they get the chance to fight him, Naven tells the party that they must face off against their previous memories in order to prove themselves strong enough to defeat him.



First up was Giovanni, who had to teach his older self the power of ARTS AND CRAFTS... oh also not to bully people but mostly ARTS AND CRAFTS. Also appearing in this memory is fan favorite Brick Hamshunkle.


During Trixie's memory, Giovanni had to find Trixie who ended up being trapped in a hole.


Percy's memory saw Giovanni and Trixie helping Percy with a crime scene investigation. During this investigation they discovered that Percy's superior officer, Sgt. Winters, had helped cover up a drug run. Trixie calls the 911 (Which is on Percy's cell phone) and reports it forcing Percy to arrest Winters.


Ramsey's memory revolved around saving his sister from his asswipe of a father. This involved a stealth section inside of a "Movie Set" for They're Not From Around Here: The Peepers! Some highlights include: Young Ramsey's adorable voice, Trixie turning into Dixon who disguised as Lunch Lady Dorris, Percy dumping people into quarries, The fact that they ran out of green paint and had to start painting the trees purple, and Percy using her new carriages to trick the workers into thinking the peepers were revolting


Rick's memory sees the party go deep into the bottom of the ocean where they assist young Rick with making friends and being a minmaxing asshole. The memory ends with Rick washing up on shore and meeting Stan. Oh yeah also young Rick takes 400 damage from a lightning bolt and survives.


Molly's memory is basically a Fire Emblem defense map, the party has to protect 9 yr old molly from flaming toys as she tries to break Milly out of her sleep. Everything is on fire and it's absolutely terrifying. Molly ends the combat by using her outclass for the first time.
