Anime Campaign Wikia

This article may contain unadapted spoilers for Epithet Erased.

Alcatraz is a manifestation of California Slim's epithet, that being Heroic. After years of Slim ignoring his epithet for murder, terrorism and overall scumminess, a particularly gruesome murder in which he tortured a man, ripping out his fingernails and jamming them into his eyes, Alcatraz emerged from Slim's nostrils as a living epithet. He now lives to try to instill morals into Slim, forever bound to him, as Al can't move more than 25 feet away from Slim. Rather than having cool powers like other epithets, Al is pretty much just a cool guy who can float. Everyone but Slim (the one person Al can't escape from) thinks he's great and is a consistent help in the puzzles on the way to escape from The Lockdown. He is first met in Episode 3 - Hot! Crispy! Dazzling~!, as a cellmate with Slim and Jericho Felocity. After escaping, Moot ends up tracking he and Slim down (As Zora Salazar states in Episode 3, Slim is considered an epithet user dangerous enough to kill) and boops the both of them. When Slim is turned into a shade, Alcatraz gains independence, but spends his time trying to relocate Slim anyway. In Episode 5 - Executive Grin Contest, he meets Percival King, who encourages him to stop enabling Slim. The party agrees to help him find his "friend," and he possesses the disembodied arm that Rook usually rests in. Rook "rides shotgun" (Possesses Trixie's shotgun.) When Alcatraz finally finds the Slim shade, he rejoices as Slim immediately goes back to physically abusing him. Alcatraz is confirmed to have died along with Slim after Moot's defeat. "Heroic" will pass on to another epithet user, and Alcatraz will, in a way, carry on.
